How to host a dedicated Unturned 3.0 server using SteamCMD (VPS)
I wanted to host my own dedicated server for Unturned 3.0 on VPS. In this case, I used Ubuntu but you can run it on Windows/any Linux OS/macOS almost in the same way (like .sh or .bat). Env Ubuntu 20.04 What I did Install steamcmd ref: SteamCMD#Downloading_SteamCMD $ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse $ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install lib32gcc1 steamcmd Install Unturned dedicated Server using steamcmd $ steamcmd Steam>login anonymous Steam>app_update 1110390 Steam>exit That commands creates files under ~/.…
Call Golang function from EasyLanguage (TradeStation)
Wouldn’t it be great if you could use Go functions in EasyLanguage? How Here’s the flow you should follow. Create some func in Go Create a static library with c-archive option Create a wrapper function with __stdcall in C Build a dll file Then use the dll file in EasyLanguage GitHub https://github.com/yat1ma30/go-tradestation-starter Env Windows 10 64-bit TradeStation 9.5 gcc 5.1.0 (tdm-1) http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download append C:\<your-folder>\TDM-GCC-32\bin\ to path go version go1.12.1 windows/amd64 Cmder (whatever) Build 32 bit Go TradeStation is a 32 bit app, so……
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